Sunday, August 1, 2010
Happy world breastfeeding week!
I can't explain what a wonderful experience breastfeeding has been, not only for me and the girls but of Russ too. I only wish I would have breastfed Zac for more than 2 months. I really wish there was more support and encouragement for breastfeeding moms, I think that breastfeeding needs to advertised just as much as formula is and I hope that one day we live in a world where breastfeeding is more common than formula.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I couldn't ask for more
I don't know what I could have done to deserve such a wonderful husband and father to my kids. He is always there for me and the kids and would do anything for us. He works side jobs for extra money just so he can take us out to a nice dinner or take the kids somewhere fun like the great wolf lodge. He comes home from a long stressful day at work and doesn't mind helping me finish cooking dinner, cleaning up and do the dishes. He helps get the kids ready for bed every night and tucks them into bed, He helps me watch my diet and even does my workout DVD with me on the nights my friend can't do it because he doesn't want me to have to do it alone, He helps with the house work, he helps with the laundry, he doesn't mind changing and even washing cloth diapers and he loves spending all of his free time with me and the kids. I could not have asked for a better husband and father. I don't know what I did to get so lucky, He is my one and only and always will be, I look forward to spending forever with him.
The words I have always wanted to hear
The night before Adilynn's first birthday Russ and I lay in bed looking at pic's of Adilynn on the day she was born. Reminiscing about her birth, the first time I nursed her, her first bath, her first nap in daddy's arms. I began to cry thinking about how fast she has grown and how much I would miss not ever being pregnant again, never having another baby and never having another baby to nurse. As Russ wipes the tears from my face he whispers to me "maybe Adi won't be our last baby" These are words that I always wanted to hear him say and I just hope that a few years down the road when the timing is better for us to have another baby he will still feel the same way.
Adilynn's 1st birthday party 7-18-2010
The morning of Adilynn's birthday party we awoke to the sounds of thunder and lightning which was not good since we had plans of having her party at the park, but shit happens and plans changed so Russ and I got busy cleaning the house and calling everyone to inform them that the party would be at our house and not the park. It turns out that having it at our house worked out perfect because we didn't have to lug a ton of decorations and food to the park and when Adi got tired she got to take a nap in her own bed.
We had so many more quest than we had anticipated. All of my family came, Russell's mom and a few of our great friends. It was truly a wonderful day and I could not have asked for a better first birthday party for Adilynn!
The cake I made for Adi
The cupcakes I make for the guest
The goodies for the kids Adi loving her cake
Opening her gifts
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I'm done
I'm done going out of my way for people, I will not do it anymore. Adi's party really made me realize who my true friends are and I'm sad that a few of the people that I really thought were my good friends wouldn't even go a tiny bit out of their way to come...Ohh well they are the ones that missed out and I will not being going out of my for them anymore.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Finding out who your friends are
Lately I'm really finding out who my friends are and not the easy/good way. I have so many friends online and they support me in so many ways I just wish I could find people in real life that could do the same, I guess it's easier to support people through words than it is through actions but still I feel like I'm always going out of my way for others whether it be watching their kids for them, being a shoulder to cry on, or just listening to them complain about others. But when it comes to me needing someone to be there everyone just turns the other way and than when they are done needing me for something I don't hear from them again until the next time they need something. I'm sick of being the only one that goes out of the way to be a friend.
While I'm a super excited for Adilynn's 1st birthday party that I have been planning it for months I'm sad that the people I expected and wanted to be there the most won't be. But I'm not going to let it get me down, If they can't go out of there way to be there than I will not be going out of my way for them anymore. I will enjoy every minute of her party whether they are there or not and they will be the ones missing out.
While I'm a super excited for Adilynn's 1st birthday party that I have been planning it for months I'm sad that the people I expected and wanted to be there the most won't be. But I'm not going to let it get me down, If they can't go out of there way to be there than I will not be going out of my way for them anymore. I will enjoy every minute of her party whether they are there or not and they will be the ones missing out.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Night 1 was a success!
We finaly deciteded it was time for Adi to leave our room and move into her sisters room (this decision was partly made by the fact that Adi had not slept in 3 nights and mommy and daddy were tired and needed some sleep). We set up Adi's pack n play in Rylen's room (I didn't want to move her crib just yet because I wasn't sure how it was going go or if they would keep eachother awake all night). To our suprise The night went very well! The girls only woke up once at 5am, Rylen woke up first and then woke Adi up so I calmed Rylen down because she had a bad dream and then I brought Adi into my bed nursed her and put her back in Rylen's room. It is now 8am and they are still sound asleep... I could get used to getting a full nights sleep!
Monday, April 26, 2010
The girls are getting ready for some changes even though they don't know it yet. I have been working hard to get Rylen's room clean and all of her clothes sorted and put away and I have been putting some of Adilynn's things in Rylen's room because in a few weeks Rylen will be getting a "big girl" bed aka toddler bed and her and Adi will be sharing a room. This is going to be a big change for both of them. I'm a little worried but it all, I worry that Rylen wont stay in her bed or her room, I worry that the girl will wake each other up at night especially since Adilynn still wakes up to nurse atleast 2 times a night everynight and Rylen sometimes wakes up with night terrors. I still have alot of stuff to go through in Rylen's room before we can get her bed. I just hope everything works out and they can happily share a room together.
My friend Miranda is also going through some life changes and I can't think of a better time than now for her to get a makeover! Now more than ever is when she needs to feel strong and beautiful and it's about time she does something for herself, she is always doing stuff for everyone but never does anything for herself and I can't wait to get to play "dress up" with her! We are going to my mom's work so she can get a hair cut because she hasn't had one in forever and then we are going to sally's to pick up some hair color and she wants me to do highlights in her hair since she has never had her hair colored this should be fun. After her hair is looking sexy I will straighten or maybe give her some pretty curls and maybe a little makeup too! She will be looking hot for her date night with her hubby. I can't wait! I'm getting way to excited about this.
Some other changes might be coming too. I haven't had a period in almost 3 months and I'm starting to get a little worried, I know I need to go buy a pregnancy test but I'm just too scared, I'm just not ready to have another baby right now.
My friend Miranda is also going through some life changes and I can't think of a better time than now for her to get a makeover! Now more than ever is when she needs to feel strong and beautiful and it's about time she does something for herself, she is always doing stuff for everyone but never does anything for herself and I can't wait to get to play "dress up" with her! We are going to my mom's work so she can get a hair cut because she hasn't had one in forever and then we are going to sally's to pick up some hair color and she wants me to do highlights in her hair since she has never had her hair colored this should be fun. After her hair is looking sexy I will straighten or maybe give her some pretty curls and maybe a little makeup too! She will be looking hot for her date night with her hubby. I can't wait! I'm getting way to excited about this.
Some other changes might be coming too. I haven't had a period in almost 3 months and I'm starting to get a little worried, I know I need to go buy a pregnancy test but I'm just too scared, I'm just not ready to have another baby right now.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Diaper testing
So Miranda went to the diaper tester meeting today, I had a good time getting out and talking to other adults! We go back for another meeting in 2 weeks. Unfortunately I can talk about the products we are testing...bummer.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Guinea pig!
Tomorrow the girls and I are going with Miranda to cotton babies to be diaper tester! I'm so excited to get to see what type of diaper we will get to try. I really love cotton babies products and getting to do this with a friends makes it that much more exciting. Miranda and I don't get to hang out much so I'm looking foward to getting to see her.
Feeling crafty
I'm feeling crafty today! I have some new fabric and patterns that have been waiting for a few months to be made into something beautiful. So today I'm going to try my hardest to make a little time to get some sewing done but it might be hard since I am babysitting today.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Sitting here listening to Russ play guitar and sing while the girls try to sing with him! Theres nothing I love more than listening to him play and sing, he is so talented and has such a great voice even though he dosn't believe me when I tell him. I love everything about this man!!! Ok well I can do without the little hairs he leaves all over sink when he shaves and cuts his hair but other than that I love everything about him.
4-15-2010 Zac got his first soccer injury
Zac got his first soccer injury at practice and he is pretty proud of it! The kid he was playing with kicked the soccer ball as hard as he could and it hit Zac right in the nose. I saw it happen in slow motion, I thought he would just shake it off and keep playing but then I saw his coach take off his shirt and wrap it around Zac's face and then I knew he was really hurt and I ran on the field to make sure he was ok.
The coach thought he may have broken his nose because he was bleeding soooooo much, one of the parent's ( I think he was a doctor) had a huge first aid kit in his car and gave Zac an ice pack. After about 10 minutes of holding the ice pack and the shirt on his nose the bleeding stoped and Zac said he had to get back out there and practice some more, so he ran back on the field with a bloody face and finished his practice. His coach and Russ and I were very proud of him!
The coach thought he may have broken his nose because he was bleeding soooooo much, one of the parent's ( I think he was a doctor) had a huge first aid kit in his car and gave Zac an ice pack. After about 10 minutes of holding the ice pack and the shirt on his nose the bleeding stoped and Zac said he had to get back out there and practice some more, so he ran back on the field with a bloody face and finished his practice. His coach and Russ and I were very proud of him!
Trying to stay positive
I have been finding it hard to stay positive lately and it's really starting to wear me down. There just arn't enough hours in the day to get everything I need to done. Between the kids, housework, soccer, trying to start my own business, family outings, trying to make time for friends and just spending quality time with the family I don't have a minute to myself. I have always had a hard time being a positive person and trying to look at the good in everything... Thats just not who I am but I try very hard and It's even harder when life is so busy. Thankfully Russ has always been there to "center" me and make me take a step back, a few deep breaths and really make the best of things I really don't know what I would do without that man!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Love, peace and happiness!

I haven't had much time to blog lately but I really want to try to start it up again. Life has been crazy the past few weeks. Our weekdays are filled with playing outside in the wonderful weather we have been having, going to the park, running errands and trying to keep up with housework. Our weekends are filled with soccer games, going on family outings, playing outside and just enjoying eachother.
I have also been trying to find the time to clean out my laundry room and turn it into a laundry/sewing room so I can start my online business. I think it will be a great way to bring in some extra money while doing something I really love doing! I am on the hunt for the perfect desk/table to sew at, so far I haven't found one that meets all of my expectations but I will keep looking until I find the perfect one!
I have been feeling very good about everything in my life right now. I have a great man, he is so much more than I could have ever asked for and he is such a wonderful daddy that never wants to miss a minute of his kids lives. Even though we have our rough days when we can't agree on anything we always make up and come out stronger!
I have a wonderful family! 3 great kids that make me smile every minute and keep me on my toes. what more could I ever ask for?
I have also been trying to find the time to clean out my laundry room and turn it into a laundry/sewing room so I can start my online business. I think it will be a great way to bring in some extra money while doing something I really love doing! I am on the hunt for the perfect desk/table to sew at, so far I haven't found one that meets all of my expectations but I will keep looking until I find the perfect one!
I have been feeling very good about everything in my life right now. I have a great man, he is so much more than I could have ever asked for and he is such a wonderful daddy that never wants to miss a minute of his kids lives. Even though we have our rough days when we can't agree on anything we always make up and come out stronger!
I have a wonderful family! 3 great kids that make me smile every minute and keep me on my toes. what more could I ever ask for?
I have been thinking alot about our future lately and weather or not I want to have more kids. I have to say while I alway thought I wanted 4 kids I am so content and happy with the way my life is right now that I think 3 is a wonderful number...for now at least. I don't know how I will feel in a few year but for now I think that 3 is great! But if in the future we have another one that would be great too. I'm just going to leave it all in god's hands!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Today I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life! A man that tells me everyday how beautiful and sexy I am regardless of what I look like that day. When I haven't had a shower in days, my hair is a mess, I'm covered in baby food and I have been wearing the same dirty clothes for 3 days he still runs his hands through my hair, pulls me close and looks me in the eyes tells me how beautiful I am and then give me a great big kiss...sigh... I couldn't have found a more wonderful man!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
I see someone has deleted me from their blog... I guess they want to talk shit about me behind my back, Ohh well live and let learn. I hope they are suprised when they get deleted also and not only from my blog but my facebook and my life.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Day 1 of the 30 day shred
Well I started my 30 day shred today and it's only a 20 minute workout but it really kicked my ass, I was very hard but I was very proud of myself in the end. I am excited about day 2 tomorrow even though I'm sooo freaking sore now.
I really need to get some small weights, when I went to buy them last night walmart only had one of the weights I needed... I don't think that one weight is going to help much so during my workout I used cans of soup as weights. Useing cans of soup as weights is not a great idea when your hands are all sweaty and you are holding them above your head... let just say I have a big lump on my head. I'm going to go to target this weekend and buy some weights.
I really need to get some small weights, when I went to buy them last night walmart only had one of the weights I needed... I don't think that one weight is going to help much so during my workout I used cans of soup as weights. Useing cans of soup as weights is not a great idea when your hands are all sweaty and you are holding them above your head... let just say I have a big lump on my head. I'm going to go to target this weekend and buy some weights.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
what a wonderful day
Today we went to my grandpa's 80th birthday party and it was much better then I expected it to be. My grandpa was so surprised and he said that it was the best birthday ever so I couldn't ask for more. When we got home I made the kids dinner and Zac and I went to walmart while daddy stayed home with the girls, We picked out the cupcakes for Zac to take to school and he picked the bakugan cupcakes because it came with a bakugan toy on it *rolls eyes* and I got the Jillian michaels dvd 30 day shred. I am going to start the 30 day shred tomorrow and I am going to do it everyday for 30 days without making any excuses, I never finish anything I start but I am determined to do this all the way. My goal is to loose 20 lbs in 1 month. wish me luck
Saturday, January 16, 2010
It's been a while
It's been such a long time since I have blogged, With the holidays and everything I just haven't had much time to do much of anything. Our Christmas was great! the kids got alot of neat stuff and they had a fun time seeing all of the family. Not much has been going on lately, We really don't go out much anymore because we are always so broke that we just stay at home to avoid spending money that we don't have. I really miss hanging out with Miranda and her girls it feels like we never see each other anymore and I miss having someone to talk to that understands me (other then Russ of course).
Tomorrrow is my grandpa's 80th birthday party and ALL of my mom's family is going to be there and I am so not looking forward to listening to people talk to me about how many kids I have and how I don't need anymore. First off I take care of my kids, they have a good home, food, clothes and lots of love. It's not any of their business if I have more kids or not and I don't know why they would even care in the first place. So tomorrow should be interesting.
Tomorrrow is my grandpa's 80th birthday party and ALL of my mom's family is going to be there and I am so not looking forward to listening to people talk to me about how many kids I have and how I don't need anymore. First off I take care of my kids, they have a good home, food, clothes and lots of love. It's not any of their business if I have more kids or not and I don't know why they would even care in the first place. So tomorrow should be interesting.
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