Friday, April 16, 2010

Love, peace and happiness!

I haven't had much time to blog lately but I really want to try to start it up again. Life has been crazy the past few weeks. Our weekdays are filled with playing outside in the wonderful weather we have been having, going to the park, running errands and trying to keep up with housework. Our weekends are filled with soccer games, going on family outings, playing outside and just enjoying eachother.

I have also been trying to find the time to clean out my laundry room and turn it into a laundry/sewing room so I can start my online business. I think it will be a great way to bring in some extra money while doing something I really love doing! I am on the hunt for the perfect desk/table to sew at, so far I haven't found one that meets all of my expectations but I will keep looking until I find the perfect one!

I have been feeling very good about everything in my life right now. I have a great man, he is so much more than I could have ever asked for and he is such a wonderful daddy that never wants to miss a minute of his kids lives. Even though we have our rough days when we can't agree on anything we always make up and come out stronger!
I have a wonderful family! 3 great kids that make me smile every minute and keep me on my toes. what more could I ever ask for?

I have been thinking alot about our future lately and weather or not I want to have more kids. I have to say while I alway thought I wanted 4 kids I am so content and happy with the way my life is right now that I think 3 is a wonderful number...for now at least. I don't know how I will feel in a few year but for now I think that 3 is great! But if in the future we have another one that would be great too. I'm just going to leave it all in god's hands!

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